Offline Language Independent Neural Machine Translation System for Windows 10/11
Open Framework is an offline language independent NMT system for Windows 10/11
This software is ideal for military and intelligence users who need to translate documents in total security, i.e. without being connected to the Internet or even to a local network. Open Framework is versatile and can handle any language pair for which a CTranslate2 model exists. It enables users to enjoy the benefits of the latest advances in artificial intelligence in a familiar Windows 10/11 environment.
The tool provides a way of performing neural machine translation of screen input and documents (*.docx, *.xlsx, *.pptx, *.pdf and *.txt files) offline, i.e. without any Internet connection.
It has been successfully tested with various models from the Argos Opentech project, handling diverse language pairs.
Open Framework has been developed and tested on an Asus Zenbook with 8GB RAM. It is designed for use in a low power and low resource environment with an Intel Core i7-8565U or similar processor but will deliver blue streak performance when used with a powerful GPU.
This software product – based on the latest neural machine translation technology – is entirely self-contained and will run on a Microsoft Windows PC or laptop with 8GB of RAM. It does not need an Internet connection so any document you translate stays on your computer and is not sent into the cloud! For more information on this Neural Machine Translation system check out our Knowledge Shop.